Using a great balance of color theory and usability, we will focus on correct typography and proper page alignment. Colors will follow schemes of colors that make people hunger as yellows and pinks, and reds and greens. Maybe not in that order but tastefully done. Every piece of marketing material would stay consistent through all product lines and digital media. So when we marketing other products consumers would know that it was an Average Kitchen Cook Book rather than another different item or product. We must make the cook book look proper and still look easy to use and not mind blowing full of content and instructions.
We have design and brand ourselves as reputable, fun, exciting and easy to use. We cant just mash our self's with the hundreds of thousands of cook books out there. Our Displays have to be prominent to attract consumers to pick up our book. Any store front material has to have some kind of eye catching material to attract them to pick it up. One we have them grabbing the book, we will wow them with the design and ease of use the book offers, but will not have mush website reference because we don't want to lose a sale and have the consumer forget.
Armstrong & Kotler, 9th Edition Marketing An Introduction, Product Style and Design, Page 205
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